Why We Serve: Behind the Sermons:
Mahmood Padhani (President of Bustan-e-Zahra - BZA) talking about the service of Imam Hussain (as) and an intimate look at the affect of his love.
Charity objectives:
To uphold the teaching and spirit of Islam based on the doctrine of the Shia Ithna-Ashari Faith.
To serve the Shia community in particular and Muslims in general and to offer them help and support.
To promote Unity amongst Muslims & the wider community.
To provide Families with support within which children are supported in their faith and their duties as good citizens.
To familiarize our community with beautiful idealisms of Islamic excellence and the warm beauty of Shia'ism.
It is in this vein that the (BZA) at Harrow Leisure Centre (HLC) has been inaugurated as an Imambargah and subsequently blossomed.
The HLC is a most beautiful edifice that is a vast testimony to the beautiful legacy of the life and times of the 14 Masoomin. It is a
5-star Imambargah, with 6-star parking,
7-star reciters, and is dedicated to the heartfelt love and affection we have for the Ahlul-Bayt.
We are very aware, that currently, overcrowding and disabled facilities are serious issues and pose great problems for other centres. However, the HLC addresses this problem magnificently with its bespoke hall (1300m2) - the availability of 2000 chairs and ground floor access from car to the hall for the disabled.
At any given time 2000 momineen can sit in comfort for the programmes. It's very rare for
an Imambargah on Earth to provide this level
of comfort for their congregation.
We thank Allah (swt) and the 14th Masoomin abundantly for giving us the courage and kindness of heart to serve our community
with this ethos in mind. We do our best to get famous reciters for our future generations. Whoever has a wish to be a part of the team
is welcomed. Youngsters are encouraged to participate, especially when it comes to reciting. Ladies and gents all have equal say (as far as Islam permits).
We hire HLC, which is shared by various communities and we have created excellent relations with the owners as a sign of peaceful co-existence in the multi-cultural Britain we
all live in. We have plenty of parking spaces
and no double parking so people can be rest assured that they will be able to leave when
they are ready. Volunteers are always at hand
to help, especially the disabled and elderly
guests of Allah (swt) and 14 Masoomins.
Every visitor that comes to a Majlis at the
centre is treated with great respect, as we consider them to be guests of Allah (swt) and
all Aemma Masoomeen’s.
Management Committee: