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Bustan-e-Zahra is a registered charity, run by a small
group of people, and we rely on donations to help fund
majlis programmes for our Shia community.
Any donation, however small will help us to carry on
with delivering world class programmes/majlises.
Donations can include
- General Donation
- Sadqa
- Khums*
- Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) Fund
- Radd-e-Mazalim
- Yateem & Bewa Fund
Bank Transfer - Account details:
Account Name: Bustan-E-Zahra Association
Bank Name: Metro Bank
Account Number: 27083625
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Charity Number: 1113943
If you are a U.K. taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid
form. If you would like to set up a standing order,
please complete a Standing Order form.
*We have been honoured, by his Holiness the Rightfully Royal Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al-Hussaini Al-Sistani, with the very gracious preferment and permission for
the full utilisation of:
Khums Ijaza - Sehme-Imam
Khums Ijaza - Sehme-Sadat

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